Netscape Navigator is trademark of Netscape Communications Corp.
National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
WWWeasel stands for ``World Wide Web Easel.''
Apache is an improved, easy to network-install, ready-to-use server based on NCSA's HTTPD Server and available on a wide variety of Unix platforms.
Note that WWWeasel may be used for personal hypermedia documentation without any HTTP server at all. In this case, the engineer simply uses the Unix file system to store the engineering notebook entries; one may view the notebook entries by pointing the browser at the appropriate local file, possibly using WWWeasel's Link/Anchor Browser to navigate through previous notebook entries.
The ``WWW location'' is also commonly known as a URL, which stands for Universal Resource Locator.
Currently, WWWeasel supports the SGI IndigoMagic desktop drag-and-drop facilities, however it will be relatively trivial to port to more standard desktops such as COSE/CDE once implementation of that desktop actually go into production.
xwpick is a freely available application written by Evgeni Chernyaev (chernaev@mx.ihep.su).
see URL http://www.eit.com/software/winterp .
by Ketan Patel, Brian Smith, Henry Chi-To Ma, Kim Man Liu, from the University of California, Berkeley.
by Kevin Gong, Ketan Patel, Dan Wallach from the University of California, Berkeley.
FrameMaker is a trademark of Frame Technology Corp.
Postscript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Corp.
This button will retrieve media from FTP, HTTP, GOPHER, and WAIS servers anywhere on the internet. A ``retrieve'' may be interrupted at any time by clicking the ``Stop'' button.
Brooks, Kenneth P., Lilac: A Two-View Document Editor, IEEE Computer, June, 1991, Vol. 24, Number 6, pp. 7-20.
Available from ftp://ftp.eit.com/pub/winterp/winterp-2.03.tar.gz, see also Niels P. Mayer, ``The WINTERP OSF/Motif Widget INTERPreter-A graphical user-interface language for rapid prototyping and delivering extensible applications,'' in Proceedings Motif `91, First Annual International Motif Users Meeting, Washington DC, December 1991, pp. 248-269.
by David M. Betz, Tom Almy, et al
Niels P. Mayer